Next you need to mount the image of the selected Windows edition in the directory Mount. In our example, the WIM file contains only one Windows 10 Pro edition with the index 1 ( ImageIndex: 1). Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath C:\WinWork\ISO\install.wim This is necessary in order to specify the Widows edition into which it is planned to integrate the additional drivers. List all Windows editions contained in the Install.wim file using the Get-WindowsImage PowerShell cmdlet. \sources\install.esd, you can convert the ESD file to WIM format using the DISM tool: dism /export-image /SourceImageFile:'C:\WinWork\ISO\install.esd' /SourceIndex:4 /DestinationImageFile:C:\WinWork\ISO\install.wim /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity
If your Windows 10 ISO image contains only the file.